Thursday, July 29, 2010


It's been a busy week of getting things together. I have been checking out two possible International Adoption Doctors. I have recieved some great information from both. I think I have decieded on the University of Minnisota. They have been recomended by other adoptive parents and I like the fact that I can get a 24 hour turn around on thier assesment.

I have also been busy decieding on what the room will look like, what colors to paint it and more.

I am still waiting for my 17-H clearance so I can travel and also for the call with my travel dates to meet him. Time is going quick and I am keeping busy so they wait has not been so bad so far!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Referral Picture

Here is my little guy! This is his referral picture. He is 9 months old in the picture and was 10 montsh old at the time of referral on July 5, 2010. He is special needs cause of his Clef's. I am currently contacting University of Michigan and Childrens Hospital of Michigan Clef teams to determine his care.

Dossier on its way

I am so excited I just found out my Dossier is apostilled and heading to Russia this weekend. It's hard to believe that I got my referral for Nikita only two weeks ago and everything is moving so smoothly and quickly. They are estimating I will make trip one next month towards the end of August and then Trip two at the end of September. I am so greatful to Lorien from Lighthouse Adoption who is helping me make this all possible..